How To Connect An iPad To Wi-Fi in 6 Easy Steps
Published: May 9, 2019, 11:30 a.m. in Router, How-to, WiFi / Wi-Fi, iOS by Michael GConnecting your iPad to a Wi-Fi device will allow you to access a wireless network from any location. A Wi-Fi connection often is faster and works more efficiently when compared to any cellular data connection. Though some iPad models offer always-on 4G LTE internet connections and you can be online anywhere, …
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How To Download Music on Your iPad
Published: May 8, 2019, 9:34 p.m. in How-to, iOS, mp3, Tips & Tricks by Michael GAll of us enjoy listening to music. And when you have an iPad, you would use it to listen to your favorite tunes. The ease of playing and the quality of music on an iPad is capable of lifting everybody’s mood. A huge yet portable screen combined with all the features of …
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How To Manage Your Browsing History in Safari for The iPhone
Published: May 8, 2019, 1:15 a.m. in How-to, Security, Browser, iOS by Michael GThe Safari web browser on your iPhone always keeps a log of all the web pages that you visit. Though this feature is indeed really helpful at times when you need to revisit a particular website, you should also know how to clear this information for privacy purposes. You can …
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How To Activate Full-Screen Mode in Internet Explorer 11
Published: May 7, 2019, 9:39 a.m. in How-to, Windows, Internet Explorer, Browser, Tips & Tricks by Michael GThe web appearance of a browser is very essential for some of us. For various reasons, some people would prefer a full-screen view instead of the windowed mode of the Internet Explorer, and by default, most of the Windows applications open in Windowed mode. Like many other modern web browsers, the …
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How To Disable Protected Mode in Internet Explorer
Published: May 7, 2019, 1:37 a.m. in How-to, Security, Internet Explorer, Browser, Protected Mode by Michael GThe purpose of Protected Mode in internet explorer is to prevent malicious software from exploiting the vulnerabilities of the internet explorer and to protect your computer from hackers, who can easily gain access to your computer. The importance of using protected mode cannot be denied but many times people have …
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How To Use ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer 11
Published: May 4, 2019, 9:05 p.m. in How-to, Security, Troubleshooting, Windows, Internet Explorer by Michael GActiveX is a software framework that can be re-used by many application programs within a computer or among various computers in a network. Once installed ActiveX has access to your entire computer. Often referred to as an add-on, ActiveX is a small set of programs for Internet Explorer, which enable …
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How Fast Is DSL Internet Service?
Published: April 26, 2019, 6:57 a.m. in Internet, Bandwidth, DSL, Cable Internet, Internet Speed by Michael GAlthough almost half the world’s population uses the Internet, only a small percentage of them know what goes into the functioning of the internet connection they have, what type of internet connection they have, and if it’s the right fit for them. One of the most popular Internet services is …
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Does Satellite Internet Compromise Your VPN?
Published: April 17, 2019, 4:43 p.m. in Virtual Private Network (VPN), Security, Guest Post, Satellite Internet by Michael GSatellite internet is always the most reliable source of gaining access to the web when you live in an area where high-profile ISPs have no coverage. Sure, it may never be superior to fiber or DSL, but satellite internet still gets the job done for people who are isolated from urban society. …
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How to Test Your Internet Speed on the iPad
Published: April 12, 2019, 6:48 a.m. in How-to, Speed, iOS by Serina RajagukgukThinking about buying a new iPad because your current one is painstakingly slow? Hold on! It may be just a poor internet connection that makes it seem slow, not the machine itself. That's why you should perform a speed test on your iPad regularly to know where the problem comes. …
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How to Wipe Out Your Personal Data From The Internet
Published: April 12, 2019, 4:23 a.m. in How-to, Security, Privacy by Tim LaDucaWe find it inevitable to feed the web with our personal data one way or the other. Yes, technology has blessed us with the internet immensely but are we entirely safe from the bad apples of the digital world? Over-exposing details will be a direct invitation to hungry hackers and …
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