Guest Post articles

Smart Home Technology and the Internet of Things
Published: July 26, 2019, 4:54 p.m. in WiFi / Wi-Fi, Guest Post, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) by Michael GWe have grown accustomed nowadays to our lives becoming more and more digital. From using social media daily to booking rides, ordering food, making hotel reservations, consuming content, connecting with our friends and family, and even working online from our smartphones, tablets, and computers, all of us are used to …
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10 Best Free Internet Phone Call Apps
Published: June 10, 2019, 7:39 p.m. in Mobile Broadband, Guest Post, Smartphone by Michael GIf you own a smartphone with an active internet connection, then you can easily make free phone calls using any of the free internet phone programs. By using the internet to make all your phone calls you could save a lot of money, especially when making international calls. There are …
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Best Small Business Routers to Buy in 2019
Published: June 3, 2019, 2:16 a.m. in Router, Reviews, Guest Post by Maulik PatelIn this internet-fueled world, whether your business is small or big, it needs to have an online presence. Moreover, most businesses run with a connection to the internet. And, if you're a smaller one, having an initial budget before purchasing any asset is crucial. When it comes to business you need …
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Does Satellite Internet Compromise Your VPN?
Published: April 17, 2019, 4:43 p.m. in Virtual Private Network (VPN), Security, Guest Post, Satellite Internet by Michael GSatellite internet is always the most reliable source of gaining access to the web when you live in an area where high-profile ISPs have no coverage. Sure, it may never be superior to fiber or DSL, but satellite internet still gets the job done for people who are isolated from urban society. …
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6 VPN Myths Explained
Published: Jan. 3, 2019, 4:01 p.m. in Virtual Private Network (VPN), Reviews, Guest Post by Tabby FarrarAs with any new technology, VPNs may appear complicated or just for techies. However, this type of service has rapidly become an essential part of any online security setup – home, office or mobile. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) service offers end-to-end encryption and many other security benefits. But as …
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How To Remove Spyware from Your Smartphone
Published: Dec. 3, 2018, 7:48 a.m. in Virtual Private Network (VPN), Security, Android, Guest Post, iOS by Serina RajagukgukLet's talk about our smartphones: We love 'em, we use 'em every day, we store loads of important data in 'em. Our most private photos, our emails, bank statements, messages, every password to every site, our search history... All in one single device. Now, imagine if someone were to spy …
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Top 10 Free Cloud Storage Providers to Suit Your Needs
Published: Oct. 24, 2018, 4:11 a.m. in Reviews, Guest Post, Cloud Storage by Cristopher BurgeLosing something important from your computers can make you go into rage mode. To prevent this terrifying scenario, and many more, it's a good idea to create a backup of your data. However, you need a reliable storage space that you can quickly access if the need arises. In this …
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