Home Networking articles

Blocking Facebook on your Local Network.
Published: March 29, 2020, 12:28 p.m. in IP address, Home Networking, Tutorial, Facebook by Emil S.There are techniques you can use for restricting access to this giant social website on your local home network. Aside from blocking the domain name, you can also ban the IP Addresses Facebook uses. How to Block Facebook Blocking Facebook from a Single Computer In Windows, you can block a site …
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How to Find Your IP Address.
Published: March 27, 2020, 3:04 p.m. in How-to, Internet, IP address, Home Networking by Emil S.Unlike people, the internet network doesn’t identify computers by name. Computers use numbers as identifiers. These numbers are called the IP or Internet Protocol address. Did you know that your computer uses two IP addresses? While it is uncommon for Internet users to know about their IP address, please understand …
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802.11 Standards Explained.
Published: March 20, 2020, 4:20 a.m. in Networking, Security, Home Networking, Internet Connection by Emil S.The majority of computer users are familiar with the term Wi-Fi. For most, it just refers to wireless access to devices that are connected to the internet. The term belongs to the Wi-Fi Alliance, whose role is to police the wireless world and to make sure that Wi-Fi-enabled products meet specific …
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What is a DNS Cache and How Does It Work?
Published: March 14, 2020, 10:14 a.m. in Networking, DNS, Home Networking by Emil S.What is a DNS Cache? A DNS cache is maintained by your computer’s operating system and acts as a temporary database. In this database your computer stores a list of all the websites you have visited or tried to visit recently along with details of other internet domains that you have …
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What is a Public IP Address?
Published: March 14, 2020, 10:12 a.m. in Networking, IP address, Home Networking by JonathanAn IP Address comprises a series of numbers in 4 groups separated by a dot. The current version of IP addresses is IPv4 (IP version 4). There is an updated version IPv6 (IP version 6), which has created a vast number of new IP addresses. Each number is unique and is …
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What is a Static IP Address?
Published: March 8, 2020, 2:41 p.m. in Networking, IP address, Home Networking by Emil S.Firstly, let's spend a bit of time determining what is meant by an IP address. IP means Internet Protocol and refers to the guidelines and rules that govern the operation of the internet. Every device from a computer to a baby monitor that's linked to the internet has an IP …
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What Is A Router & How Does It Work?
Published: March 5, 2020, 9:32 a.m. in Router, Reviews, Home Networking by Emil S.A router is a piece of equipment that many people are confused about. You might want to learn about a router because somebody told you that you needed one. Or maybe you have one but not sure how to use it. A router is a crucial part of the internet setup. It …
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How To Measure Your Home WiFi Signal Strength
Published: Nov. 9, 2019, 6:28 a.m. in How-to, WiFi / Wi-Fi, Speed, Home Networking by Emil S.You may want to know the exact spot in your house with the best Wi-Fi signal strength. You can identify this by looking at the number of bars in the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar. However, this might not be the best way to measure your Wi-Fi signal strength. The …
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What is Dynamic DNS and How does It Work?
Published: Oct. 25, 2019, 3:01 a.m. in IP address, DNS, Home Networking, DynamicDNS by Emil S.What Is Dynamic DNS? DDNS is an acronym for Dynamic Domain Name System. It is commonly known as dynamic DNS or DDNS. the Dynamic DNS provides an internet service, whereby domain names are allocated to IP addresses. This gives you the ability to access a computer at home from any …
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How To Connect Two Routers on A Home Network
Published: June 12, 2019, 6:29 p.m. in Router, How-to, Home Networking by Michael GA lot of home computer networks operate from just one router, but you could also add a second router to enjoy more benefits. Here are some situations that could benefit from a second router. Upgrading a wired network to be able to support a wireless device. Extending the Wi-Fi home …
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