
Guest Posting Guidelines

Are you a blogger, merchant, agency and would like to write an article for Router-reset?

If you'd like to contribute an article to our site, we welcome you to do so. We have some rules that should be followed, so please read through the following guidelines before contacting us about content.

First of all the guest post should be well researched and informative so that a reader can easily understand what he or she wants to know.

We accept guest posts around the following topics

We do not accept the following type of guest posts:

About the content that you write

Here are some rules that apply if you want to write for us or have articles you want to be posted on our site.

We also reserve the right to edit your content headings, content, and other things you submit, and that once it is submitted it is the property of our site.

If you feel that this fits you, contact us at

What happens next?

We will try to answer your inquiries as soon as possible, and let you know if we accept or reject your pitch/draft/content.


Related: static Guest Post